Lou Congelio #2
Lou Congelio #2
Writer/Artist, Friend of Reggie Bibbs
Lou Congelio is owner and head creative guy at STANANDLOU Advertising in Houston, Texas. Lou has been involved with neurofibromatosis since 1989 when he was asked to help write and produce some television public service announcements for the Texas NF Foundation. He's been hooked ever since.
Currently, Lou has teamed up with his friend, Reggie Bibbs, to help raise awareness of Neurofibromatosis through Reggie's "Just Ask!" website and "Neurofibromatosis Cafe" blog.
Reggie Bibbs is on a one-man crusade to raise awareness of NF. Visit his website and blog for the latest news, photos and fun concerning Reggie and all his online friends!
Check out the photos of Lou attending Houston area events with Elena, his daughter, and Reggie on Reggie's Flickr page.